Giants, They Die!

The message preached in Church this morning couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. The Pastor talked about how the concept of giants is as real today as it was in the time of King David, although not in the literal sense. And, as in the time of the old testament, these giants are anything but undefeatable.

I dare not speak in behalf of all of you out there who may be facing your own giants, but it is my intention to shed light on my own. It has been years since this giant has walked into my life and every time I have deemed it defeated, it rears its ugly head and often catches me by surprise. It's a sneaky one, you see.

It comes when I read articles or books about places I haven’t been to. Or when I read old blog posts about goals, plans, and dreams that are yet to be fulfilled. Or when I’m having coffee, out to dinner with friends, hiking, or biking, and I consider other things I could be doing. Or when I’m stuck in traffic and a wave of nostalgia for things that could’ve been grips me. 

Discontent. It’s such a distasteful bedfellow. The feeling that you have fallen short of your own standards is not a good one to have. The thought that the best is still out there and you are not even halfway across the mark. I find it strange to be saddled with these emotions when I recognize the reality that my cup of blessings is filled to overflowing. To have this desire for more when I already have more than I could contain.

It sounds ridiculous, right? Because it is. And that’s why I’m up in arms against this giant in the hopes of slaying it once and for all. God help me!

Geared up for the fight! LOL.


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