

One summer night in Shannon
A streak of light shot through the sky
A star dropped from the heavens
And there on our backyard died

The wooden shed was in ruins
As the celestial body burned
I was busy dousing the fire
But my father looked unconcerned

“Dad, should we call the fire department?”
“No, the rain will soon pour”
“But the wind is getting stronger!
“Don’t worry it’s under control”

The tongues of flames subsided
Ashes scattered in the air
The shed a blackened charcoal
I said a little prayer

Mother stood by the greenhouse
With a garden hose in her hand
Ready to aim it at the embers
Should they come alive again

A gasp came from my sister
As she stared at the shed’s unhinged door
A yellow creature squeezed it’s way through
Its eyes pleaded for succor

One step, two, then three
Before it tripped on the ground and fell
It tried to get up but couldn’t
It’s body sprawled out like mushy gel

Father scooped him up like a baby
And took him to the living room
By the fireplace with some blankets on him
The yellow thing rested and snored

When the night gave way to the sun
I looked out to the garden deck
And not one but two yellow creatures
Were sitting there, I had to check

As I approached the other turned
And transformed into someone I knew
It was my father who looked at me
I dropped my coffee, back inside I flew

My father’s an alien, I thought
Perhaps all my life this was true
He’d always been different, a bit odd
Or maybe this was something new

What if the creature from last night
Infected him as their skins touched
What if my father needed saving
A rescue, I planned instead

But when I ran back out to the garden
He told me to sit down
And told me the story
Of how he was found

“Your mother was ten and a half
She was playing in that old shed
When my ship crash-landed on it
Almost left her for dead

She saved me, made me her friend
Her parents let me live in the barn
But she and I fell in love
I asked them for her hand 

My kind, we are shape shifters
I’m sure you have deduced
When I married your mom
To be human, I chose

This here is my brother
He’s come to take me with him
But I’m not going anywhere
Coz earth is now my home"
