Reaching The World

God didn’t call us to be staunch defenders of our faith yet fail to let others see why that faith is worth defending and in so doing find it in their hearts to embrace it like their own. We can’t go on thinking the world is divided into believers and non-believers and hope to bring people into the kingdom. Sometimes, we regard people differently because they don’t know what we know and we aren’t even aware of it. We criticize wealthy individuals for their gross overspending and we scoff at the poor for their laziness and we think ourselves at a different plane because we are “children” of God. If you don’t see anything wrong with this picture then maybe I need to explain some more.

Jesus came down to the hard earth. That ought to tell us something. He didn’t just sit in his throne in heaven and interceded for us, He dwelt amongst us. Ate with us, slept with us. I remember something our cell group leader told us: Don’t sit together. She wanted us to relate with other people and not just fellowship among ourselves. Yes, it’s good to fellowship with believers like ourselves. It does wonders to our faith when we encourage each other. But our real work is out there, in that big savage world. And we can’t sit on our haunches and wait for them to come to us so they could hear the good news. I’m not talking about standing in street corners with a mic and shouting Bible verses. It’s about forming relationships. Jesus made friends with tax collectors. Yes, he dined with His apostles, but didn’t He also dine at a tax collector’s house? Didn’t He talk to prostitutes? And he didn’t go condemning them either. He came as a friend and offered them His heart. Who can resist that?
