Naughty Or Nice?

Overheard conversation:

Person A: I don't like her. She's too nice.
Person B: Do you think she's faking?
Person A: No, I think she's genuinely nice. I just don't like that she's always nice. I prefer people who bitch a little. They're more real.

Another conversation:

Person C: I don't like people who are always smiling.
Person D: Neither do I. I'm wary of people who are happy all the time. No one is happy all the time. What's the point of putting up a front?
Person E: But what if they just want to smile regardless of how they feel?
Person C: That's just bullshit!

Was I hiding under a rock that I didn't get the memo that nice is no longer fashionable? That smiling is a liability? And that appearing happy all the time makes you look pretentious?

I think I know where these sentiments are coming from. People are tired of everything fake. Which explains why "reality" TV is gaining popularity. Who could blame them when we're living in a world of false eyelashes, silicon implants, botox, and plastic surgery? What's so unfortunate is that people's minds are brainwashed into believing that only the edgy are being their true selves. If you don't show any anger, you're a faker.

Are the nice ones condemned to wearing the "fakers" label?

I could care less!
