Fifty Shades of Blah, Blah, Blah

The Fifty Shades Trilogy piqued my curiosity ever since it found its way to the NY Times Bestellers list. However it's in a genre that I'm not interested in so I didn't bother to consider reading it. When I heard that Universal and Focus Features secured the rights to produce the big screen adaptation, I decided to give it a try and borrowed my friend's e-copy.

Ten pages (maybe less) into the book, it started to get on my nerves. I kept reading because I wanted to give it a chance to redeem itself. But after the second or third erotic scene it became totally insufferable. My 14-year-old niece could write better than this author (E.L. James). I seldom put a book down unfinished but if I have to read another "I flush" or "deep in my belly" I think I'm going to throw up. A lot of the reviews stated it's an easy read. If by easy they meant that you could read the entire trilogy in one setting because you'd feel compelled to skip sections of it because they're totally unnecessary and annoyingly repetitive, then yes, I agree.

Don't even think about buying a copy of this book. If you're curious, find someone who can lend it to you because I'm betting it's easier to do that than finding a free download because apparently a lot of people actually loved it. Tsk. I could only scratch my head.


  1. haven't read it, i have an ecopy... i am not curious enough to read it either hehe! and this review is refreshing and funny! blah blah!


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