Grow Up!

I feel bad for parents who should be enjoying retirement but are instead forced to keep working because their children, who are old and capable enough to support themselves, are still dependent on them.

A 74 y/o lady I befriended told me that she wants to go back home to The Philippines so badly because she's tired of working. She is in the business of taking care of sick and old people and she wants to be taken care of for a change. But she has 2 children and 5 grandchildren who are depending on the money she sends them every month. And her children are in their 30s! They have jobs but they keep telling her that their paychecks are not enough to cover all of their expenses. I felt such a sense of disgust that I wasn't able to help asking, "So what happens if you get sick? Or God forbid, die?" And what's even more blood-curdling is the fact that her kids are living lavish lifestyles. Parties, international vacations, and frequent shopping trips to get the latest tech gadgets. I wonder if those leeches even think about their mom outside of their own needs.

Another lady in her 70s shared how her 36 y/o son resented her when she decided not to send him money anymore because she wants him to be more financially responsible. She said that she wants to start saving for her retirement, which is long overdue, but she's having second thoughts because she feels responsible for her child. How sad.

Am I wrong in thinking that as an adult your parents should no longer have to bear the burden of having to feed you? It's one thing if your parents "want" to keep supporting you but it's a totally different story when you start feeling entitled to their support and hate them when they decide to teach you some independence. Just because your parents are earning an obscene amount of money doesn't mean you could just sit back and relax and wait for their dole outs. Haven't they done enough? Didn't they give you the best education possible? At this junction, your parents should be the one sitting back and enjoying the fruits of their labor and you should be the one pampering them instead of the other way around. Grow up!
