Running With Bubbles

Running is the last thing you would expect to see me doing. I dislike running more than I dislike Indian food. (No offense to people who cook Indian food. It's not you, it's the picky eater in me.) So waking up at 4:00 AM on a Saturday morning to participate in a 5K run is nothing short of unusual. But I'm glad I did!

The sun was barely up when we drove to the venue.

The Bubble Run in Wantagh, NY is fortunately not something for serious runners. You can even choose to brisk walk or just stroll leisurely with your children. There were a few sprinters in the mix but the majority of participants were families with small kids out to enjoy the crisp autumn air. My friends and I did a mix of jogging, brisk walking, and some sprinting.

13,000+ people signed up for the run

Some took their running getups to the next level!

Has this event changed my opinion on running? No. Will I do it again? Probably. I believe in keeping an open mind and not limiting options to things that are within ones' comfort zone. If we only did what we're good at, went to places we love, and talked to people we like, we would narrow the margins of our worlds and we would not even know what we're missing out on.

So, go! Break out of your personal bubbles, dance to DJ Casper's Cha-Cha Slide on the street with a group of strangers, start a conversation with that person sitting beside you on the plane, buy someone coffee, fall in love. You only live once!

Cha-Cha Slide (with bubbles!)


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