Iron Sharpens Iron

It’s easy to be drawn to people who have read the same books, saw the same movies, or went to the same cities you’ve been to. Talking about your experiences, feelings, and ideas is more exciting when discussed with someone who could relate. That is why we gravitate towards these people and we tend to build our circles around them. 

But how enriching is listening to echoes of your own thoughts? It is definitely validating and that’s a good thing. But we need more in order to grow as individuals. It is often important to hear a dissenting voice, an opinion different from ours, or learn of an adventure we haven't experienced yet. 

I used to be very particular about the people I mingle with. And was extremely picky when it came to choosing friends. I didn't share my deeply held opinions to just anyone who happened to be walking into my life at any given moment and often I didn't make an effort to find out about theirs. But the more I interacted with people from different cultural, religious, economic, and political backgrounds, I have discovered the value of hearing EVERYONE out. I'm still careful about who I allow into my inner circle, but I'm more open to developing relationships with people.

One person in particular used to rub me the wrong way. She and I are as different as any two people can be. She enjoys arguing about everything. I would present an idea and she always has something to say in opposition to it. This person made me feel like my opinions were wrong, or worse, inferior to hers. Over the years, I have grown to enjoy her taking on the role of devil’s advocate.  We’ve come to respect each other and I don't mind our little discussions. So much so that whenever I need a different perspective about something, I ask for her opinion, and vice versa. 

Iron sharpens iron. True words indeed.

Despite our differences, peace is possible.
