
“Silence doesn’t always mean you’ve got nothing left to say to each other, right? Sometimes it simply means you find it nice to not have to talk.”

Who doesn’t enjoy a good conversation? I, for one, love it when I can talk to someone about anything from the mundane to the profound. Communication is key in relationship-building. Although there are several ways to communicate, being able to really talk to someone without any reservations is a powerful experience.

But not talking is equally satisfying.

Silence doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. As much as I appreciate laughing over a joke, sharing entertainment/sports news, dissecting a political discourse, or trading philosophical views, I don’t squirm at the first sign of “dead air”. There is value in allowing pauses and loving the moments between the chatter. Staring into space, getting lost in your own thoughts, or just listening to music with another person need not be scary or awkward. 

It is important to note, however, that neither one is superior or preferable over the other. If you feel like talking, speak your mind. But don’t give in to the pressure to fill every moment with words because there is nothing more taxing. Some people think that they’d be thought of in a harsh light if they come across as not having the ability to keep a conversation going. But should you care? Learn to appreciate the freedom of not having to worry about that. 

I wish you, my dear readers, moments of comfortable silence sitting with people you care about.

I posted this on my Facebook page almost 8 years ago and I’m trying to remember the moment associated with it because I rarely publish something that doesn’t have a backstory. But it escapes me now. 


  1. My personal policy is to keep my mouth shut until it is NEEDED to open up and speak. :) Hahaha.

    1. But where’s the fun in that? Hahaha.

      I used to know someone who talked non-stop! Good thing I love listening to stories.

  2. I prefer to stay quiet but sometimes people get upset when you do not respond to what they’re saying and sometimes, when you answer their questions, they say that the questions are rhetorical.

    1. Hi Eunice! I think I know what you mean. Certain social cues could be confusing.


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