Move On

May 2018 be the year you cross over that ocean of pain that the other years have placed on your path.

May you finally find peace in letting go of past loves, hurts, and disappointments. You have so much of you to give to be held back and weighed down by old mistakes that can never be undone. Breathe! Breathe in the possibility of a new love, a new life, and another chance at a happily ever after. 

The scars have long faded but you still feel the pain. Embrace that pain for a little while longer and then open your eyes to why you insist on holding on to it and then find the courage to walk away. There is value in acknowledging the hurt, but you also need to accept that the broken pieces of your heart are not the only ones you are left with. You have a light in you. It was dimmed by a soul who didn’t deserve you and cared even less; but that spark is in there still. 

You are precious and your worth is not diminished by someone's callous rejection. Someone (other than God), somewhere loves you; all the broken parts and all the little pieces that have remained intact. All of you. It may take some time to find that love from within the haze that surrounds you, from among the weeds that are threatening to choke you, and from under that gray cloud that’s constantly hanging over you. But once you’ve allowed yourself to feel again after that numbing chapter you went through, it will come running into your embrace. 

You could keep the bitterness, store it in a little corner of your soul, take it out every now and then and even enjoy its company. But remember that it only takes a drop to poison the well. Purge it out of your system until you can look that person in the eye and not flinch. Until you can talk about and remember your moments together without a sneer in your mouth or a longing in your gut. You have it in you to forgive. And forget. And move on. 

Where is that spring in your step? That smile in your eyes or that fire in your belly? Where is that version of you that laughs with total abandon? The one who enjoys spending time dreaming of the future, head in the clouds, and cooking up “what ifs” with a friend? The one who gets excited about a movie, a song, and every little thing or momentous event with the same passion? The one who is not afraid to love and show it?

Come on over to the other side, will you?

Get on the bus. Move on.


  1. This feels like an excerpt from a book you should be writing. ;)

    Very encouraging! Keep it up.

    1. Thanks! I’ll send you a signed copy. Haha. 😜

  2. I agree with acknowledging the hurt or whatever you’re feeling for that matter.


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