Easter Eggs

Looking for “hidden easter eggs” when dealing with people is sometimes unavoidable. There are those who hide behind a veil of goodwill or friendship because they are not good with confrontations; or behind a facade of indifference because showing they care makes them vulnerable. We all utilize defenses in order to stay in control of our emotions and there’s nothing wrong with that. But being honest about how you feel frees you from having to be so guarded all the time even though it may put you at a perceived disadvantage.

The nuances of relationships and the masks people wear have made dissecting someone’s actions a default for most people. However, making a habit of it is not good practice, nor is it beneficial to one’s sanity. Sometimes it’s easier to just accept things at face value, true or not. Not having to analyze every word, every gesture, or physical expression is liberating. 

I have frequently been at the receiving end of such behavioral dissections by those who think that I’m too cryptic. I admit to not being straightforward in some cases when I think it’s better for everyone involved. But for the most part, I don’t relate with people based on a hidden agenda. I may repress some undesirable emotions or reactions in order to maintain the peace. I may even water down some strong feelings in the interest of keeping things simple. But I don’t believe in hiding my true motives. Truth is freedom. 

But should you feel that I’m a code that needs to be deciphered, knock yourself off. Just make sure you’re using the right key.

Is it or is it not?


  1. Sometimes i just let people think whatever they want to think


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