Words With Friends

Words have power. 

The gravity of this statement was brought home to me last week when I cracked a joke that scored a few points on the insensitivity meter and was reminded of something I said in jest a few months back that almost broke someone’s heart. The bad thing about having a high tolerance for offense is that you forget that not everybody does. Whereas I'm not easily affected by political incorrectness, ill-thought-out comments, and even bad jokes, I’m aware that another person may not feel the same way.

“Be intentional with your words,” is Moral Revolution’s counsel. Whether it’s a serious discussion about spirituality or politics or a light-hearted conversation with several opportunities for funny quips, we should be mindful of the person we’re talking to, how our words might affect (or trigger) them, and be quick to apologize when we inadvertently miscalculate.

The paradox is, the more familiar we are with the person, the easier it is to forget about weighing our words. We tend to filter ourselves less when we are around people we are comfortable talking to. Perhaps we count too much on the fact that they will understand and forgive us anyway. But shouldn’t we be more conscious about the feelings of those we care about?

Communication is essential in a relationship; and words are its building blocks. Both the positive and negative things you say to your spouse, for example, could affect the way you relate with each other. It cannot be denied that it’s easier to live with someone who is quick to give a kind word and thinks twice (or ten times) before judging.

Words can torment the mind and break a spirit or comfort and encourage a soul. They are weapons that can and do damage that may be irreversible or they can be used as a balm to heal, a rope to pull someone up, or a rose to show love. We would do well to be aware of the things that come out of our hearts through our mouths. The Bible says it succintly, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” and we should “tame” it.

A gentle word to a gentle being.


  1. If you land choice words on the right situation, it's like putting a Z or a Q on a triple letter slot. 😊

    Well said! 👍


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