Tricky Recollections

Memories are tricky. Several times I caught myself relating stories to people which in hindsight were not accurate at all; timelines have been bungled, some details have been deleted and others misremembered. This is why I have taken to writing things down so that when I'm older, they would help jog my memory. 

I wonder how many things from my past I have romanticized, added some extra flourish on for dramatic effect or simply not remember correctly. Did that boy in 5th grade really forcefully bump into me with a toy car? And was it 5th grade? Or 4th? Did my teacher really catch me reading a Nancy Drew book in class and embarrassed me in front of everybody so I'd learn a lesson? Was I really infatuated with a guy that was all kinds of wrong?

It's fascinating how our mind works and how easily it can mislead us. I may need to start documenting the important events in my life. Maybe start that memoir I've been thinking about before the details become too hazy for recollection.

