
A year ago today, I was excited to go home to see my family. These Christmas homecomings have been the highlights of the past six Decembers. Although holidays in New York are quite fun, nothing beats waking up to my niece and nephews jumping on the bed to get my attention. 

This year, however, I'm doubly excited to be on that side of the world (in a few days!). First of all, my parents will be there to join in on the fun. Secondly, it's a longer winter break compared to the other years. And thirdly, my fiancΓ© and I will be celebrating our first year anniversary as a couple and going on another adventure--to Taiwan, this time. 

My fiancΓ©... Last year, that phrase touching my lips is a thought that sits farthest on my mind than, say, winning a jackpot of 500 million dollars. It's amazing how things like these happen all the time and they hardly make you blink but when it happens to you it's magical.

One would think that after 17 years of friendship, there wouldn't be much left to discover about each other. But this past year has taught me that we barely even scratched the surface. I've gotten more insight about him in the last 12 months than I thought was possible. I have learned that he is the kind of man who...

...can speak reason, logic and sanity when my excitable brain latches on to an idea that may not entirely be feasible. 
...respects men, women, the young, the old, and recognizes that there is no need for competition with anyone because we all bring something different to the table. 
...can control his temper in trying moments and hold his tongue because he doesn't want to say anything in anger.
...is passionate with what he does and Who he does it for.
...knows how to take a step back and see the big picture.
...is not scared to show any type of emotion.
...prefers others more than himself.
...is an awesome road trip partner and travel buddy.
...values every single blessing no matter how small.
...pays attention, especially to the things that matter.
...cares more about not hurting people's feelings than being right.
...sends text messages that make my day. 
...has a heart to serve God in whatever capacity he's asked to.
...answers all of my questions with such patience. 
...is kind not just to people who deserve it but even to the insensitive ones who are careless with their comments.
...has the heart of a giver (something that's very rare these days).
...can be so sweet and romantic without even trying.
...chooses to trust God, especially when things get challenging. 
...doesn't hide behind a facade of 'I have everything under control' but draws you in with his honesty and vulnerability.
...makes me feel safe. 
...cherishes the gift of creativity that he's been abundantly blessed with and writes twisty tales that's had my brain up in knots for the past month or so.
...can make me laugh out loud with his witty jokes. 
...has all the qualities of a great leader: integrity, humility, accountability, empathy, resilience, vision, positivity, and a desire to serve.
...understands that tears are not a sign of weakness.
...has a sharp mind that's really quite impressive (I mean really, really impressive).
...understands the power of words and knows how to use them to heal, affirm, encourage, and make me smile (or blush?) like a child who just received the best Christmas gift ever. 
...is patient with my foibles. 
...takes his relationships with people seriously.
...has the makings of an amazing husband. 
...makes me feel like I have actually won the jackpot of 500 million dollars. 

I am utterly blessed and grateful for the privilege of knowing him and being a part of his life. I couldn't ask for a better partner. Is it possible to fall in love with the same man over and over and more and more each time?



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