
Six hours ago my car got hit by someone who drove through a red light. And I'm still quite shaken. 

I was sitting at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green. As a safety precaution, I always count to three after the light changes to make way to people who are trying to beat red lights (so as not to be hit by them; the irony!). When the light signaled for me to go, I did what I always do and slowly made my way through. As I reached the middle of the road, I noticed an SUV from my left peripheral field of vision. It seemed like it was coming at me at a million miles per hour--on a highway with a speed limit of 25 mph--and I remember thinking, "Is this car going to hit me?" It did. Fast, hard, and furious.  

The impact felt like the SUV was going to breach through the driver's side door and run over my head. It happened so fast but I saw everything in slow motion. It was like watching a James Bond car chase that ended in a heap, only with less glamorous cars. And all I could think of was, "Jesus save me!" And He did. 

The police and EMS were there in 5 minutes (maybe less) and took us to the hospital to get checked out as soon as they finished evaluating what happened. Gotta love the efficiency in this city! The driver and his wife, Mhayet (who happens to be from Cebu, my hometown), were deeply apologetic. Mhayet said she's racked with guilt about what happened to me and my car and asked for my forgiveness several times. I forgave her, of course, even though she wasn't driving. I told her we should all just be thankful that we're alive and still able to walk and talk. 

The EMS guy, however, said something that shook me. He said that at the speed the SUV was going, if it hit me a few inches farther to the back (I was hit near the steering wheel area) where the door handle was, I would've sustained severe injuries, or worse, died. And he said that if a pedestrian was crossing the street at that moment, they too would've died instantly. That's how fast the SUV was going, according to Mr. EMS. That made me so grateful for God's hand of protection over me, the driver of the SUV, Mhayet, and for the pedestrian who was not there when the accident happened. It could've ended tragically and the fact that it didn't is a blessing that I will forever be thankful for. 

One of my friends who saw photos of the site of the accident said that I should sue the other party so I could get more money for the damages. But I have no interest in pursuing legal action. I'll let the insurance assess the damage and accept whatever they think is a reasonable amount to get my car fixed (or replaced). What good will more money do? We all walked away from that accident with our lives and limbs intact and that is enough. Yes, I'm still quite shaken, but that is enough.
