It's supposed to burn!

P90X. Day 1. Chest and back.

"A few push-ups, some pull-ups, it's not something you couldn't handle," my friend said. He couldn't be any farther from the truth. After the diamond push-ups, I was done! My body was screaming!

But I'm going to do it again. Tomorrow. Hahaha. If that girl, Murray, can do it, so can I. I have been sickly lately and I couldn't help but wonder if it's due to my semi-sedentary lifestyle. You couldn't be a couch potato and not expect any adverse effects.  My BMI is 26.6 which means that I am overweight. If I lose 10 lbs, I'd be in the "normal weight" range. With a family history of cardiac problems, I can't continue down this path if I want to be a good steward of my body. So this is me trying to win back my health.

The BMI Goal: 18.5 - 24.9


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