August, Come Quick!

In less than 4 months, I'm going to Cebu for a 2-week vacation. If you've been gone for as long as I have, you'd appreciate the excitement I'm feeling right at this very moment. From what I've heard, there have been a lot of changes in the city since I left. And I'm looking forward to see those changes. More importantly, I can't wait to see everyone!

In preparation for this most-awaited vacation, I have started buying "pasalubongs" and gifts for my godchildren. And what a challenging activity it is proving to be! What does one give kids these days anyway? I tried putting myself in their shoes and think of things I would love to receive if I was their age and the only ones that keep running through my head are anything Apple. And most certainly I couldn't give all of them an iPod/iPad. I would if I'm Donald Trump or married to a Trump. LOL.

A friend (who is not Filipino), seeing that I'm making such a big deal out of this pasalubong thingy, asked me if I'm culturally obliged to bring gifts home. I said that some people would have that mentality but that my friends and family don't. Because they'd be happy to see me anyway even if I don't have a single bar of chocolate in my hand. The only reason I'm making such a big production out of this is because I like complicating my life. LOL.

In addition to the pasalubong, I've also made a list of the food I'm missing and binge on them the moment I get off the plane. I have made so much progress in my weight loss project that I feel I'm more than entitled to enjoy a pack or two of dried mangoes, maybe 10 pieces of budbod kabog, a plate full of lechon skin, and a basket of golden yellow sweet Cebu mangoes. Slurrrrrrp! I can't wait!

Of course, the vacation won't be complete without a weekend trip to the beach. I don't care how hot it's going to be in August, I'm going to spend a day under the Philippine sun and enjoy the feel of the fine sand between my toes, the sea breeze, and the calming sound the waves make as they slap against the beach. I'd come back to New York looking like a burned cookie my friends may not readily recognize me.

August, please come quick! 

Oh Cebu, Coney Island has got nothing on you! (Photo: Coney Island, Summer 2007)
