Samsung Galaxy SIII? iPhone 5? Which One?

The iPhone 5 is rumored to be released on September 12. Since this news came out, the prevailing question in people's minds is, "Get the Samsung Galaxy SIII or wait for the iPhone 5?"

The SIII arrived in the US on the AT&T 4G LTE network on June 22 and there's been a lot of buzz about it in the tech world. I read up a little on this new gadget and the things I've learned impressed me. It has features that the iPhone doesn't and I think PC users/Andorid lovers would really dig it. Being a Mac/iPod/iPad user, it just makes more sense to stick to the iPhone because it makes synching data across all my other gadgets more seamless. This may sound a bit too simplistic and it is. When I find something that works for me, I stick to it. When the time comes that Apple no longer delivers and if I find that "life would be so much better" with an Android phone, I'd switch. But for now, I'm happy with my iPhone 4 so I'm definitely upgrading to the 5 when it comes out. 

You can have side-by-side comparisons on the iPhone 4s and the Samsung Galaxy SIII here.  After reading this and you still haven't decided on which smartphone to get, maybe you should wait for the iPhone 5 to come out and see how it fares against the competition.

For some, it's a no-brainer.
