Be Still

When you are semi-confined in bed due to a knee injury, you tend to allow your mind to wander to places you haven't been to in a long time, revisit dormant plans, and even allow political rhetoric to affect you. Or am I alone in this? It doesn't sound very appealing but I am actually enjoying it. After 3 days of ordering thai food, binge-watching Netflix/Amazon/TV shows, and sometimes just staring into space and not think of anything, I thought I would suffer from cabin fever and detest being cooped up in my small apartment. On the contrary, I am relishing every moment of this downtime.

Making the most out of every living moment is a good idea. But most, if not all, of us believe this means to fill every hour with work or doing something fun. How many of us take time to just sit, breathe, and allow our minds to go blank; to just be still. It goes against our do or die nature. We are creatures of action and we need to do something productive in order to satisfy our need to achieve our goals or to have something noteworthy to post on our social network pages. What is with this obssession with checking off items in bucket lists anyway? I understand that experiences add value to our lives, especially those that take us out of our comfort zones. But it's a whole different story when we feel less adequate or not as accomplished when we see our friends doing them.

If there is anything I learned in the past 3 days is that being still does not have to mean being unproductive. You could use that time to allow your soul, mind, body, and spirit to recuperate. I am definitely going to do that more often now.
