Decisions, Decisions!

Buy a house or go to law school?

The hard part about deciding which path to take is knowing that you could get it wrong. But you could also get it right. Before I do any type of choosing, I do my homework and pray for guidance. But that doesn't mean it makes the process any easier.

A year ago, I decided I'm going to buy a house. So I worked on revamping my budget, researched different neighborhoods within and outside city limits, and reassessed my long term goals. I have already set my mind on this project when out of nowhere a thought crossed my mind: I want to go to law school!

The truth of the matter is, I miss going to school. Two years ago, after I received my doctoral degree, somebody asked me whether I'm done with this insanity of collecting degrees (lol). My answer was, "No, never!" And I meant it. With the exception of my parents, I have not met a single person who enjoyed going to school as much as I did (and still do). When children my age were wishing for summer to last forever, I was the girl who couldn't wait for school to start. Not because I hated summers, but because going to school meant unlimited access to library books, making new friends, seeing the old ones, and learning new things. I know, I am such a nerd!

So, should I buy a house or go to law school? Unfortunately, I couldn't tackle both projects at the same time. Unless I win the lottery (without buying a ticket), one of the two would have to take a backseat. The friends I have presented this question to told me the same thing: buy the house. Because they all think that the moment I start burying my nose in those law books, I wouldn't have time for relationships and therefore not planning a wedding any time soon. It's not an argument that I accept, of course, but you gotta love them for their "concern".

At the moment, I'm leaning towards getting that degree. But, we shall see. God may have other plans.
