Two-Wheeled Goals

Finally, my friends have agreed to do the NYC Five Boro Bike Tour with me! Ever since I learned how to ride, I have dreamed of participating in an event similar to this. There were several concerns floated about in the beginning such as skill level, safety, and the fact that it happens during allergy season. But somehow, they’re now open to it and I am thrilled! I can soon cross this off my bucket list. 

The event is a year away but we are hoping to begin training soon. I am a novice cycler in every sense of the word; I can’t even balance on my bike without holding onto the handle bars. And 20 miles without rest is all my body could endure right now without feeling brutalized. But I am determined to get there.

It’s been three years since I learned to find my center of gravity on two wheels. I expected it to be a painful process but somehow I took to it as though I've been doing it my whole life. Isn’t that something? I’m not the athletic type. Other than the required volleyball games for PE class or the occasional badminton match, I’ve never been sporty. It just wasn’t my thing. I love watching sports events (basketball, football, ice hockey, soccer) but that’s the extent of my involvement.

Perhaps, the fact that cycling is done outdoors with the wind whispering your name and the scenery inspiring your every move is the reason why I enjoy this activity so much. I love being outdoors, especially in the fall when the air is cool and the trees dress themselves up in hues you don’t see at any other time of the year. You could take me to a hike in the woods, climb mountains, or sit on a secluded beach somewhere and I would be forever grateful to you for making my spirit soar. Or you could ride every bike tour in the world with me and I'll probably consider marrying you for it (LOL).

So, yes, next spring I will subject myself to a daunting 40 miles of plains, hills, and valleys. But I simply couldn’t pass up the chance to see this enchanting city while perched on a 130mm saddle. Join me?

I wish for downhill rides; but if you'll ride with me, going up the steepest hills wouldn't be so bad.


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