
I’m 11
I look up from my book
I see a mess of black curls
Shy dark brown eyes glancing furtively for a table
I signal, “Here!”
Scoop the loose pages of a book report I scattered about
Make room for his peanut butter sandwich and orange Zest-o
And ask, “Are you new?”
He said, “Yes, I’m Kier. You?”

A crowded lunch room
A childhood crush, a first
Was it the puppy dog eyes that were almost too shy to meet mine
Or the soft voice afraid to scare anyone
Or the sweaty hands that clutched a hanky kept squarely on the mouth to hide from a world too quick to judge and too slow to love
Or perhaps the, “Is that Anne of Green Gables? It’s my fave!”

I’m 17
Across the library, a look, a smile
I smile back, he walks to me
I’m curious, I close my book
“Freshman?” he asks
“Jucy,” I shake his hand
“Tigue,” that smile again

Starstruck and infatuated, a teenage crush
Was it the student council president badge
Or the basketball varsity team jersey in his bag
Or the top-of-my-class-and-can-outdance-anyone-to-the-beat-of-Michael-Jackson vibe
Or perhaps it was the, “But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door” strummed to perfection with a blue guitar and... THAT smile

I’m 24
First day on the job, confused, lost, friendless
A tap on my shoulder by fingers too smooth to be a man’s
A scent too manly to be a girl’s
A voice too friendly to be a stranger
A heartache waiting to happen

Conference rooms and computers
First love? No, not even close, but something
Was it the, “Join us for lunch later!”
Or the, “I’ll finish this up for you, go home!”
Or the, “I got you a burger and some fries!”
Or perhaps the, “That story you wrote for the bulletin? It made me cry.”

Too grownup for crushes and puppy loves
I chase after stars, clouds, sunsets
Look for adventure in cars, planes, trains
Bury my toes in sandy beaches
Stare at the moon, trees, and butterflies

Someday a dream, a wish, a prayer
Walks in with a word, a hand, a choice
Will it be the “Let’s go somewhere, anywhere!”
Or the, “We’re lost! This will be fun!”
Or the, “Don’t worry, God’s got this!”
Or the, “Yes, a million times yes.”

Then, I do



  1. Lovely. 👍

    This, I can't do. 🤣

    1. There are things you can’t do? 😱

      And thanks. Coming from you, it’s a compliment. 😊


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