October 9

Standing on the edges of a dream...

...I'm falling. Not from somewhere up there to somewhere below but some sort of suspended animation where I'm feeling the pull of gravity, the air pushing against me, but I am going nowhere. It is an endless loop of falling in the same place.

...I'm on my bike. One moment I'm riding, the next I'm flying towards the sunset with my hair blowing against my face. And then I see faces, on the sun, of people I know. Then I keep flying and flying in an endless loop.

...I'm walking. I look up to see the clouds forming, re-forming, re-arranging. Then someone grabs my hand as the torrential rains pour. We run for shelter, but there's none to be found. We keep running, laughing, singing like crazy, and then run some more in an endless loop.

And then I woke up.

Dreams are hard to explain. Science tried but could not make definitive conclusions. Are they simply hyperactive neurons firing as though the subconscious mind is trying to chase wakefulness? In the Bible, dreams are used by God to send messages. A direct phone line from heaven, if you will. 

At times, I have normal dreams that are mundane in nature and I don't give them a second thought. But then there have been countless others that left me mystified I had to stop and stare at the ceiling to process and remember. I had one of those dreams on April 23, 2009.

...I am driving. The person in the passenger seat suddenly blurts out, "October 9." Huh? I ask. I turn my head to see their face. Someone I know but couldn't put a name on. A smile, a familiar one. I keep driving thinking about October 9.

The date went straight to my journal the moment I woke up. It made an impression but I didn’t think much of it that day because I was late for work. I did discuss it with a few friends but even though I sensed it was significant somehow, I relegated it to the randomness of dreams. That is until October 9 came around. 

...I see corners bending sharply to the right. And at the periphery of my vision I see a shadow. Is it a reminder of what could’ve been or an indication of what could be?

Happy 9th anniversary, 10/9!

Chronicled on Facebook. This is one of those times I'm grateful for this social media platform.


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