As I scrolled through my posts from years ago, I stumbled upon the thoughts I recorded concerning my sister’s wedding in 2011; my concerns about their readiness, and how hard I prayed prior to the event that bound them together for a lifetime. Over the years that I’ve come to know my brother-in-law, he’s been nothing but a gem. He’s responsible, kind, and a good father to their children. He has proven this time and time again but it wasn’t till my last trip to Cebu that I felt grateful my sister chose him. 

Trips are a challenge to almost anybody. This is the reason why travel/tour agencies are such lucrative businesses. People would rather have a professional deal with the nitty-gritty because it could get stressful and has a potential to ruin your vacation. Not me. I relish the idea of planning for trips. It helps that I have a knack for organizing things of this sort. Whether I’m with family or with friends, I almost always find myself at the helm (i.e., booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and scheduling). Not that it’s imposed on me, I just love doing it (and my friends are more than willing to let me have my fun). However, I have taken on this role for most of my life that I have forgotten how it is to not be the one in charge; to just sit back and enjoy. 

On a trip to one of the smaller islands, my brother-in-law took it upon himself to arrange for everything. I marvelled at his ability to lead his family of 5 and carry us (my parents and my other sister) along for the ride. It was heartwarming to see the dynamics between him and his wife and the effortless way he handled the ins and outs of getting us tickets for the boat ride, the terminal fee, even the breakfast we had. He took care of the smallest detail and all I did was watch. 

Regardless of what people say, leaders are made not born. It takes a special kind of person to step up to the plate when the situation calls for it. Whether by choice or not, leaders do what is necessary. This is especially true in a marriage. Over the years I have seen varying scenarios as to who’s keeping things together. I have no doubt that either the wife or the husband is capable of sitting on the driver’s seat. But I am old school; so when I see a man leading the pack, the same way my dad did (and still do to a certain extent), I can’t help but smile. 

My sister is blessed. I’m relieved. 

Follow the leader.


  1. : I appreciate my SIL. She's also got some mad multitasking skills. 😊

    1. It’s a girl thing, multitasking. 😉


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