All Day

She is socially awkward.
She asks, "Will you be my friend?"
She doesn't have many. 
She plays by herself in the playground.
She approaches other kids but they don't notice. 
Her sad eyes break my heart. 

I say I will be her friend. 
Her eyes brighten a bit. 
I tell her classmates I'm hers and hers alone. 
Her eyes brighten some more. 

"Will you walk beside me on the stairs?"
"Yes," I said. 
"Will you sit with me at lunch time?"
"Yes," I said.
"Will you play tag with me during recess?"
"Yes," I said.
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Yes," I said. 
"Will you stay and talk to me all day?"

I pause.

"Will you?"
"I wish I could, My Dear, I wish I could."

And the sadness reclaimed her eyes. 


Dear K,

Someday you will meet someone who will walk beside you on the stairs, sit with you at lunch, play tag with you at recess, talk to you all day... and you won't even need to ask. They will hold your hand and you won't have to be afraid. They will give you a hug even before you know you need one. They will be your friend.

You are only seven. You have not been around that many people yet. Kids could be mean but give them a chance. A year from now, maybe they'll learn to love you too. If not, others will come along. One day, you'll find the permanent sparkle to your eyes. I hope they come soon. 

Your new friend,

Someday, you'll find a friend who'll sit by the pool with you all day despite the scorching sun... only because you love being by the water.


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