The Aftermath

I recently finished writing a really sad story and I'm an emotional mess. It was not supposed to be that dark. I aimed for something that was not too painful but it ended up breaking my heart. 

As followers of Alejandro Aranda's promising career, my boyfriend and I had this idea to come up with a narrative that would somehow explain Ten Years, one of his original songs. We brainstormed on the main plot points and the characters' names so I thought it would be an easy one to write. I was dead wrong. 

The past month saw me think up hundreds of possible ways to break the main character's heart and I agonized over each one. Somehow I couldn't fathom how anyone could have any peace after wounding another soul so badly. It's just unconscionable!

Relationships shouldn't be approached as an experiment the way the antagonist in my story did. And she shouldn't have been too quick to consider a new relationship without fully moving on from the last one that hurt her. Hearts are fragile things and people are not guinea pigs.

No, I won't be writing another heartbreaking story anytime soon. It bothers me too much.

Wash it all away.


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