
The temptation to buy a hardcover or a paperback borders on seduction. This fascination knows no end, I suppose. The wide-eyed 10-year-old who was addicted to the smell of a book, old or new, is somehow still trapped in this adult-sized body and cries silent tears every time she sees bound pages she cannot touch.

When most 15-year-olds dreamed of marrying prince charming, I fantasized about having my own private library; where I could walk in and be surrounded by walls filled with books. It would have a lone floor-to-ceiling window and a couch beside it where I could lounge and read a book while sipping a cup of coffee (or tea) on a rainy day.

Alas, reality is harsh. My tiny NYC apartment could only accommodate one book shelf and it's already bursting to the seams. So I stopped buying books; as much as I love them, I cannot stand clutter. The less stuff I have in my living space the better. It's easier to breathe that way.

The plan is to pack all of my books in a box and give them away to the younger bookworms in my life. I guess I'll have to make peace with the fact that even though I prefer the experience of getting lost in a story by physically turning the pages of an actual book, my Kindle app will do.

